Tuesday, January 17, 2012

Today - Worked, Golfed, and Bled

It was a really good day. Got lots done at work. Spent the lunch hour playing 9 holes on the golf simulator at the gym and then donated blood.

Ben got a green day on his first day back from the three day weekend.

Lexi had a good day at MDO, she's back to not taking a nap there.

All in all, a great day.

Monday, January 16, 2012

Update on, well everything

2012 is shaping up to be an even better year than 2011 was and 2011 was a great year.

Just a few things that happened in 2011 - Ben turned 6, Lexi turned 2, Katie and I hit 7 years of marriage, hit a year at my current job.  That's just the anniversary, birthday items.  Many other great things happened in 2011.

Ben has started his first basketball season.  It's a league for Kindergarteners at Church and he is having lots of fun.  Hopefully he'll continue to enjoy it, have some fun, learn a little about basketball but most importantly learn to be a good sport.  Even though he's enjoying basketball he's looking forward to another season of T-ball too.

Lexi is definitely 2, independent and opinionated as can be.  But the cutest thing you've ever seen.  Recently she learned to open doors which brought the installation of child proofing on several door knobs.  Most notably the inside of hers and the outside of her brothers.  She has the vocabulary of a four year old and the personality of a 16 year old and we're enjoying every minutes of it.

I moved into a knew role at work the start of this year and I'm still getting settled into it.  I moved from the IT Corporate Resources team to the IT Finance / Accounting team.  New group of people but same exciting, challenging work.  I'm looking forward to lots of new challenges and fun over the next year.

Katie is as wonderful and amazing as always.  How she does what she does with our kids I'll never understand.  All that and keeping up with the three of us leaving a trail of chaos behind us.

There's an app for that......

We've all seen at least one iPhone commercial and heard Apple's notorious tag line...There's an App for that.  Well I have an iPhone, and there is in fact a Blogger App for my phone.  This means that I can post updates anywhere, anytime, easily.  That removes all excuses for me to not use this blog.  I don't have to remember at the end of the day to sit down and type something up, I can literally do it anywhere.

I sat down tonight and cleared out all of the old posts, update to a new template, enable the new interface and we're off and running.

It's cliche to say that it's a new year and I have resolved to write more, that would make three years in a row that I've said that without any luck.  Therefore I'm just going to go with it and see what happens.